User Guide
Version Number 3.0
Copyright ⌐ 2003, LSOFT TECHNOLOGIES INC. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any
form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or adaptation) without written
LSOFT TECHNOLOGIES INC. reserves the right to revise this documentation and to make changes in content from time to time
without obligation on the part of LSOFT TECHNOLOGIES INC. to provide notification of such revision or change.
LSOFT TECHNOLOGIES INC. provides this documentation without warranty of any kind, either implied or expressed, including,
but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. LSOFT may make improvements
or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this documentation at any time.
All technical data and computer software is commercial in nature and developed solely at private expense. As the User, or Installer/
Administrator of this software, you agree not to remove or deface any portion of any legend provided on any licensed program or
documentation contained in, or delivered to you in conjunction with, this User Guide.
Active@ Killdisk, the Active@ Killdisk logo, Killdisk and Erasers Software are trademarks of LSOFT TECHNOLOGIES INC.
LSOFT.NET logo is a trademark of LSOFT TECHNOLOGIES INC.
Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
Standards Used in This Guide ........................................................................................... iv
Deleting Confidential Data ..................................................................................................5
 Advanced Data Recovery Systems ...............................................................................5
 International Standards in Data Removal ......................................................................6
Personal Computer Minimum Requirements ......................................................................7
 Drive Storage System ....................................................................................................7
Active@ KillDisk Version.....................................................................................................8
 What's New in Version 3.0 .............................................................................................8
Preparing a DOS-Bootable Floppy Disk..............................................................................9
 System Formatting.........................................................................................................9
 Copying Active@ KillDisk to a Floppy..........................................................................10
 Labeling the Disk .........................................................................................................10
 One-Step Method.........................................................................................................10
Modes of Operation ..........................................................................................................10
 DOS Interactive Mode ................................................................................................. 11
DOS Command Line Mode...............................................................................................15
Autoexecute Mode ............................................................................................................17
 Erasing Data Using Autoexecute .................................................................................17
Erasing Logical Drives (Partitions) ....................................................................................18
Erase Operation Complete ...............................................................................................20
 I cannot boot the machine from a floppy. What is wrong? ...........................................21
 Which operating systems are supported by Active@ KillDisk? ...................................21
 How is the data erased? ..............................................................................................21
Number of Passes ............................................................................................................23
 One Pass Zeros or One Pass Random .......................................................................23
 User Defined................................................................................................................23
 US DoD 5220.22-M .....................................................................................................23
 German VSITR ............................................................................................................23
 Russian GOST p50739-95 ..........................................................................................23
 Gutmann ......................................................................................................................23
Verification ........................................................................................................................23
 Retry Attempts.................................................................................................................. 24
 Ignore Errors..................................................................................................................... 24
 Clear Log File before Start................................................................................................ 24
 Skip Confirmation ............................................................................................................. 24
Standards Used   The following standards are used to provide more concise documentation:
in This Guide
 Table 0-1 User Input
 Description                      Example                           Action
 Bold text within square          Press [Enter].                    Press the key on the keyboard that
 brackets                                                           corresponds to the message within square
 Bold text and operand            Press [Ctrl + B]                  Together, press the combination of keys
 within square brackets                                             within the square brackets.
 Bold text                        Click OK.                         With the mouse pointer, find the icon or
 button indicated and left-click that icon.
 Letter "i" in the left                                             Information worthy of noting.
 Exclamation mark in                                                Important information that may cause the
 the left margin                                                    utility to behave incorrectly and may
 damage data as a result.
 This chapter gives an overview of Active@ KillDisk application.
Deleting             Modern methods of data encryption are deterring unwanted network attackers
Confidential Data    from extracting sensitive data from stored database files. Unfortunately,
 attackers wishing to retrieve confidential data are becoming more resourceful
 by looking into places where data might be stored temporarily. A hard drive on
 a local network node, for example, can be a prime target for such a search. One
 avenue of attack is the recovery of supposedly-erased data from a discarded
 hard disk drive. When deleting confidential data from hard drives or removable
 floppies, it is important to extract all traces of the data so that recovery is not
 Most official guidelines around disposing of confidential magnetic data do not
 take into account the depth of today's recording densities. The Microsoft DOS
 del command merely changes the file name so that the operating system will
 not look for the file. The situation with NTFS is similar.
 Removal of confidential personal information or company trade secrets in the
 past might have used the format command or the DOS fdisk command.
 Ordinarily, using these procedures gives users a sense of confidence that the
 data has been completely removed.
 The format utility actually creates new FAT and ROOT tables, leaving all
 previous data on the disk untouched.
 fdisk merely cleans the Partition Table (located in the drive's first sector) and
 does not touch anything else.
 When you use Active@ KillDisk, you can scan drives and view all files on
 them - including files that have been deleted using the Microsoft DOS del
 Advanced Data   Advances in data recovery have been made such that data can be reclaimed in
 Recovery Systems   many cases from hard drives that have been wiped and disassembled. Security
 agencies use advanced applications to find cybercrime-related evidence. Also
 there are established industrial spy agencies adopting sophisticated channel
 coding techniques such as Partial Response Maximum Likelihood (PRML), a
 technique used to reconstruct the data on magnetic disks. Other methods
 include the use of magnetic force microscopy and recovery of data based on
 patterns in erase bands.
 Although there are very sophisticated data recovery systems available at a high
 price, data can easily be restored with the help of an off-the-shelf data recovery
 utility like Active@ File Recovery ( or Active@
 UNERASER (, making your erased confidential data quite
 Using Active@ KillDisk, our powerful and compact utility, all data on your hard
 drive or removable floppy drive can be destroyed without the possibility of
 future recovery. After using Active@ KillDisk, disposal, recycling, selling or
 donating your storage device can be done with peace of mind.
 International         Active@ KillDisk conforms to four international standards for clearing and
Standards in Data         sanitizing data. You can be sure that once you wipe a disk with Active@
 Removal           KillDisk, sensitive information is destroyed forever.
 Active@ KillDisk is a quality security application that destroys data
 permanently from any computer that can be started using a DOS floppy disk.
 Access to the drive's data is made on the physical level via the Basic
 Input-Output Subsystem (BIOS), bypassing the operating system's logical drive
 structure organization. Regardless of the operating system, file systems or type
 of machine, this utility can destroy all data on all storage devices. It does not
 matter which operating systems or file systems are located on the machine, it
 can be DOS, Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000/XP, Linux or Unix for PC.
 2                  SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
 This chapter outlines the minimum requirements for PCs using Active@
Personal                 IBM PC/AT compatible CPU
Computer                     Operates with processors as old as Intel 486
Requirements             4 Mb of RAM
 Video must be EGA or better resolution
 Drive Storage       1.44 Mb floppy diskette drive
 System        Hard Disk Drive type IDE, ATA or SCSI with controllers
 O t he r
 One blank 3.5-inch or 5.25-inch floppy disk suitable for formatting
 Alternately use a Windows 95/98/ME Startup Disk
Active@ KillDisk       The performance of Active@ KillDisk depends on the version of the
Version                application, as displayed in the table below:
 Table 2-1 Active@ KillDisk
 DEMO      Professional
 Feature                                                    Version   Version
 Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical
 drive or logical partition
 Supports IDE / ATA / SCSI drives
 Supports Fixed Disks, Floppies, Zip Drives, FlashMedia
 Supports large format drives (more than 8GB)
 Oupports Command Line mode (can be run with no user
 E perates from a floppy disk
 Erases with one-pass zeros
 Erases with one-pass random characters
 Urases with user-defined number of passes (up to 99)
 GS Department of Defense 5220.22-M compliant
 R erman VISTR compliant
 Gussian GOST p50739-95 compliant
 C utmann method compliant
 S ustomized Security Levels
 Eupports all detected hard disk drives
 Drasing report is created and can be saved as a file
 Displays detected drive and partition information
 L ata verification performed after erasing is completed
 Dightweight installation (only about 1MB)
 S isk Viewer allows previewing of any sectors on a drive
 cans drives and previews files before erasing on FAT,
 FAT32 and NTFS file systems
 What's New in
 Version 3.0
 When the cursor is positioned on the logical drive, pressing [Enter] scans
 the drive, allowing you to preview all files and folders. In this way, you can
 check one last time - to be certain you have selected the correct drive -
 before erasing data permanently.
 Scans and previews files in all major file systems (FAT, FAT32, NTFS,
 3                    RUNNING ACTIVE@
 This chapter describes how to use the application. The chapter's sections are:
 Preparing a DOS-bootable Floppy Disk
 Modes of Operation:
 DOS Interactive Mode
 DOS Command Line Mode
 DOS Autoexecute Mode
Preparing a            Active@ KillDisk is a powerful utility with a small footprint. It is small enough to
DOS-Bootable           operate from a single floppy drive in a Microsoft DOS environment. This can be
Floppy Disk            useful in a number of situations. For example, a computer technician who is
 assigned to erase the data on PCs with hard drives containing Windows
 operating systems or operating systems other than DOS or Windows, can use
 a single DOS-bootable floppy to erase all data.
 This chapter describes the steps to create a DOS-bootable floppy (a startup
 disk) and run the utility. If you have a bootable floppy, skip to the Copying
 Active@ KillDisk to a Floppy section, below.
 System Formatting     To prepare a bootable floppy from MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/ME/XP, put a
 blank 3.5-inch floppy in the floppy drive (drive a:) and follow the appropriate
 instructions below:
 Windows 95/98 MS-DOS or Command Prompt Mode
 1 On the screen, type the format command as follows:
 2 Follow on-screen messages until process is complete.
 Windows 95/98/ME Operating System
 1 Click the Start button and click Settings> Control Panel.
 2 From the Control Panel screen, click Add/Remove Programs.
 3 In the Add/Remove Programs screen, click the Startup Disk tab.
 4 Click Startup Disk... and follow the screen instructions until the process is
 Windows XP Operating System
 1 Click Start. Click My Computer.
 2 Right-click A: drive.
 3 From the drop-down menu, click Format...
 4 Enable the checkbox beside Create an MS-DOS startup disk.
 5 Click the Start button and follow the screen instructions until the process is
 Copying Active@        Copy the Active@ KillDisk file (KILLDISK.EXE) to the bootable floppy disk or
 KillDisk to a Floppy      startup disk in drive a:.
 If you don't have the Active@ KillDisk file, download it from
 After copying the file onto the floppy disk, remove it from the floppy drive.
 Labeling the Disk        If you plan to use Active@ KillDisk in Command Line mode, please skip the
 next section and read Boot to DOS (Command Line Mode).
 Once preparation of the bootable 3.5-inch floppy disk is complete, you are
 ready to begin removing data.
 One-Step Method          Combine all the above steps into one by navigating to our Web site.
 Download and run Bootable Floppy Disk Creator for Active@ KillDisk.
 Once you have installed Active@ KillDisk on the floppy, you are ready to boot
 from the floppy and use the software for disk erasing.
Modes of                   Active@ KillDisk can be used three ways:
 DOS Interactive Mode
 Command Line Mode
 Autoexecute Mode
 It is wise to label the floppy disk to identify the way you plan to use Active@
 DOS Interactive Mode and Command Line Mode are similar in that you can
 control what happens after the utility has started. In Autoexecute Mode,
 however, Active@ KillDisk starts immediately upon completion of the
 bootstrap startup (depending on the automatic settings).
 Modes of Operation     11
DOS Interactive     This section describes using the DOS Interactive screens. For "hands-off"
 Mode      operation, please see the next section, below.
 Here are the steps for interactive operation:
 1 With the PC power off, insert the Active@ KillDisk floppy disk into drive A:.
 2 Start the PC by turning on the power. The screen displays the Microsoft DOS
 3 At the DOS prompt, run Active@ KillDisk by typing:
 The Detected Physical Devices screen appears as below:
 Figure 3-1 Detected Physical Devices
 All system hard drives and floppy drives are displayed in the left pane along
 with their system information in the right pane.
 4 Change the position cursor using the keyboard [Down] and [Up] arrow keys.
 Information in the right pane changes according to the structure of the detected
 Hard drive devices are numbered by the system BIOS. A system with a single
 hard drive displays it as number 80h. Subsequent hard drive devices are
 numbered consecutively. For example the second device is shown as 81h.
 5 Be certain that the drive you are pointing to is the one that you want to erase.
 All data is permanently erased with no chance for recovery.
 If there is any doubt about which drive to select, preview the sectors in the
 device by pressing [Ctrl + s]. The screen appears, as below:
 Figure 3-2 Preview Sector
 Scroll up and down using the keyboard arrow keys, [Page Up], [Page Down],
 [Home] and [End] navigation keys. Jump to a specific sector using [Ctrl + g].
 When you are satisfied with the identification of the device, press [Esc] to exit
 this screen.
 6 When you have selected the device to erase, move the cursor to that device
 and press [F10] on the keyboard. The Configuration screen appears.
 Figure 3-3 Configuration Screen
 Using the keyboard arrow keys, select the feature that you want to configure.
 Press [Enter] to make a change.
 To assist with options presented in this screen, please refer to the table on the
 following page.
 Modes of Operation           13
 Table 3-1 Erase Parameters Configuration
 Feature                    Default         Options
 Erase Method               US DoD          One pass zeros
 One pass random
 US DoD 5220.22M
 German VSITR
 Russian GOST p-50739-95
 User Defined Number of Passes
 (For descriptions of these options see
 Passes                     3               If User Defined Number of Passes is
 selected in the line above, this number
 may be changed. Otherwise this line
 displays the standard number of passes
 for the selected erase method.
 Verification               Enabled / 40%   Enabled: Utility inspects the work done by
 KILLDISK to verify that the attempt was
 successful. The percentage shown
 indicates how much of the drive is
 Disabled: Verification is not performed
 Retry Attempts             5               If the process encounters an IO error, the
 number of times the operation repeats
 before displaying an error message.
 Repeating the operation sometimes helps
 to overcome IO problems.
 Ignore Errors              Disabled        Enabled: Each time the read heads
 encounter a read-write error, a message
 appears that requires confirmation by the
 Disabled: Error messages are not
 Clear Log File before Start Enabled
 Skip Confirmation          Disabled        Next step confirmation screen does not
 The Confirm Action screen appears.
 Figure 3-4 Confirm Action
7 This is the final step before removing data from the selected drive for ever.
 Once the process has started, you may stop it by pressing the [Esc] key.
 Type ERASE-ALL-DATA and press [Enter]. Progress of the erasing procedure
 is monitored in the Disk Erasing screen, similar to the one below:
 Figure 3-5 Disk Erasing in Progress
 8 If you wish to stop the process for any reason after it has begun, press the
 [Esc] key. Please note, however that erased data is not recoverable.
 There is nothing more to do until the end of the disk erasing process. The
 application operates on its own without user intervention.
 If there are any errors, for example due to bad clusters, they are reported on the
 Interactive screen. If such a message appears, it is possible to cancel the
 operation (by pressing [Esc]), or continue erasing data.
 DOS Command Line Mode        15
DOS Command     This section describes running Active@ KillDisk in Command Line mode.
Line Mode
 Follow these steps:
 1 With the PC power off, insert the Active@ KillDisk floppy disk into drive A:
 2 Start the PC by turning on the power. The screen displays the Microsoft DOS
 3 At the DOS prompt, display Active@ KillDisk parameters by typing:
 A:\>killdisk -?
 A list of parameters is displayed. Explanations of the parameters can be found
 in the table on the following page.
 4 Key the command and parameters into the DOS screen at the prompt. Here is
 an example:
 A:\killdisk -eraseallhdds -erasemethod=6 -passes=7
 In the example above, data on all hard drives is erased in seven passes without
 user confirmation.
 5 Press [Enter] to complete the command and start the process.
 After operation has completed successfully information on how drives have
 been erased is displayed on the screen.
 Table 3-2 Command Line Parameters
 Parameter                 t      Options
 no parameter                     With no parameter, the DOS Interactive screens
 -erasemethod=[0-6]        0      0 - One pass zeros (quick, low security)
 1 - One pass random (quick, low security)
 2 - US DoD 5220.22-M (slow, high security)
 3 - German VSITR (slow, high security)
 4 - Russian GOST p50739-95 (slow, high security)
 5 - Gutmann (very slow, highest security)
 6 - User Defined Number of Passes (random)
 -passes=[1 - 99]          1      Number of times the write heads pass over a disk
 area to overwrite data. Valid only if erasemethod = 6.
 -verification=[1 - 100]   40     After the data erasing process is complete, the utility
 reads the disk space to verify that the actions
 performed by the write head comply with the chosen
 erasemethod (reading 40% of the area by default). It
 is a long process. Set the verification to the level that
 works for you.
 -retryattempts=[1 - 99]   5      When the drive write head encounters an error in the
 sector, the utility tries to write in the sector 5 times by
 -erasehdd=[80h - 83h]            By default, the utility erases the first logical drive
 encountered. Use this parameter to direct the
 erasing procedure to the correct target.
 -ignoreerrors             ON     By default, the erasing process stops each time a
 disk error is encountered. You have the option to
 continue erasing or to stop the process and deal with
 the error. When this parameter is used, all errors are
 -clearlog                 ON     When a drive is erased, a log file is kept. By default,
 this log is cleared at the start of the erasing process.
 The log file is stored in the same folder where the
 software is located.
 -noconfirmation           ON     Skip confirmation steps before erasing starts. By
 default, confirmation steps appear in command line
 mode for each hard drive or floppy as follows:
 Are you sure?
 -test                            If you are having difficulty with Active@ KillDisk, use
 this parameter to create a hardware info file to be
 sent to our technical support specialists.
 -eraseallhdds                    Erase all detected hard disk drives
 -help                            Display this list of parameters.
 Autoexecute Mode     17
Autoexecute Mode        You can start Active@ KillDisk with a DOS auto-executable batch file. Include
 the command line containing call of the program and parameters.
 Follow these steps:
 1 In the Microsoft DOS screen, open a new autoexec.bat file or edit an existing
 one with the following command:
 A:\>edit autoexec.bat
 The Microsoft DOS file edit screen appears.
 2 Enter the command line and parameters as needed. Here is an example:
 killdisk -erasehdd=80h -erasemethod=6 -passes=1 -ignoreerrors
 In the example above, the first detected hard disk is erased in one pass.
 Confirmations are encountered and errors are ignored.
 3 Save the autoexec.bat file in the root directory of the system floppy disk and
 exit the edit utility.
 4 Remove the floppy from this floppy drive.
 5 The floppy is now ready for automatic data erasing.
 Erasing Data Using     To erase data using Autoexecute Mode, follow these steps:
 Autoex ecute
 1 Go to the machine that requires data erasing
 2 With the PC power off, insert the Active@ KillDisk Automatic Mode floppy disk
 into drive A:
 3 Start the PC by turning on the power.
 4 The PC indicates booting into DOS. The data erase process begins.
Erasing Logical            In all previous examples in this chapter, the process has removed data from a
Drives (Partitions)        physical drive. Using a similar method, you can erase logical disks and
 partitions, and even "Unallocated" areas where partitions existed and the area
 was damaged, or the area is not visible by the current operating system.
 Open the DOS Interactive Mode screen and follow the steps below.
 1 The Detected Physical Devices screen appears as below:
 Figure 3-6 Detected Physical Devices
 All system hard drives and floppy drives are displayed in the left pane along
 with their system information in the right pane.
 2 Position the cursor over a logical disk or an Unallocated area. A set of options
 appears in the lower pane of this window.
 3 Press [Ctrl + S] to open Disk Viewer and preview all sectors of this drive
 4 When positioned on a logical drive, press [Enter] to scan the drive and preview
 files and folders on the drive. This option allows you to thoroughly check the
 drive's folders, hidden and visible files and previously deleted files before
 erasing data.
 Erasing Logical Drives (Partitions)   19
 When you press [Enter], an activity bar appears while the drive contents are
 scanned. After the scan has completed, the contents of the drive are displayed
 similar to the figure below:
 Figure 3-7 Scan Results Display
 Navigate up and down the displayed list using up and down arrows or Page Up
 and Page Down keys. Press [Enter] to open a folder and view the contents.
 Similarly, press [Enter] to open Disk Viewer and view the contents of a file.
 Press [Esc] when finished viewing to return to the Detected Physical Devices
5 In the Detected Physical Devices window, press [F10] to securely remove data.
Erase Operation            After operation is completed successfully, information on how drives have been
Complete                   erased is displayed similar to the data below:
 ------------- Erase Session -----------------------
 Active@ KillDisk started at: Thu Feb 20 11:56:51 2003
 Target: Floppy (00h) 1.40MB
 Erase method: US DoD 5220.22-M   Passes:3
 Verification:40% (completed successfully)
 Time taken: 00:01:26
 Total number of erased device(s), partition(s): 1
 If the process encountered errors, for example from bad clusters, a summary of
 errors would be presented in this report. Use the keyboard arrow keys to scroll
 through the report.
 Details of this report are saved to a log file located in the same order from which
 you started Active@ KillDisk.
4                    COMMON QUESTIONS
I cannot boot the    There are many possible reasons that you cannot boot from a floppy. Please
 machine from a     consult this troubleshooting chart:
 floppy. What is
 Table 4-1 Troubleshooting Floppy Disk Problems
 Problem                      Solution
 Floppy disk is not bootable With the floppy in drive A:, verify whether or not system files
 or damaged.                 (COMMAND.COM, etc.) are located on floppy. If the disk
 directory can be read and system files appear by name, the
 disk or some files on the disk may be damaged. On a DOS
 or Windows PC, run SCANDISK.EXE to check for
 damaged areas on the disk surface. Alternately, prepare
 and test another bootable floppy disk.
 Machine has boot priority    Open the low-level setup screen, usually by pressing [F1]
 for Hard Disk Drives, or     or [Delete] on the keyboard during PC startup. These setup
 another device set higher    parameters build structure in the BIOS. Locate the section
 than for Floppy Drives.      about Boot Device Priority, or similar. This section allows
 you to set the search order for types of boot devices. When
 the screen opens, a list of boot devices appears. Typical
 devices on this list are Hard Drives, CD ROM drives,
 Floppy Drives and Network Boot option.
 If the floppy device has been disabled, enable it (provided
 you have a floppy disk installed). The priority should
 indicate that the floppy device is the number one device the
 BIOS consults when searching for boot instructions. If
 Floppy Drives is at the top of the list, that is usually the
 Which operating     Active@ KillDisk runs in the Microsoft DOS environment. As it can be installed
 systems are     easily onto a bootable floppy disk, it does not matter which operating system is
 supported by     installed on the machine hard drive. If you can boot in DOS mode from the boot
Active@ KillDisk?    diskette, you can detect and erase any drives independent of the installed
 Operating System.
 How is the data     Active@ KillDisk communicates with the system board Basic Input-Output
 er ased?    Subsystem (BIOS) functions to access hardware directly. It uses Logical Block
 Addressing (LBA) access if necessary to clean FAT32 drives more than 8 Gb in
 size. To erase data it overwrites all addressable locations on the drive with a
 character or character set defined for a particular method.
 For example, to conform to US DoD 5220.22-M security standard, it overwrites
 locations on the drive three times using the following:
 First time with zeros (0x00)
 Second time with 0xFF
 Third time with random characters
 When using User Defined Number of Passes, it overwrites each time with
 random characters.
 5                  ERASING PARAMETERS
 This chapter describes the parameters used with various erasing methods.
Number of Passes
 One Pass Zeros or   When using One Pass Zeros or One Pass Random, the number of passes is
 One Pass Random     fixed and cannot be changed.
 When the write head passes through a sector, it writes only zeros or a series of
 random characters.
 User Defined   For User Defined method, the user can indicate the number of times the write
 head passes over each sector. Each overwriting pass is performed with a buffer
 containing random characters.
 US DoD 5220.22-M     The write head passes over each sector three times. The first time with zeros
 (0x00), second time with 0xFF and the third time with random characters. Final
 pass is to verify random characters by reading.
 German VSITR     The write head passes over each sector seven times.
 Russian GOST    The write head passes over each sector five times.
 p507 39-95
 Gutmann    The write head passes over each sector 35 times. For details about this, the
 most secure data clearing standard, you can read the original article at the link
Verification          After erasing is complete you can direct software to perform verification of the
 surface on the drive to be sure that the last overwriting pass was performed
 properly and data residing on drive matches data written by the erasing
 Because verification is a long process, you can specify a percentage of the
 surface to be verified. You can also turn the verification off completely.
Retry Attempts             If an error is encountered while writing data onto the drive (for example, due to
 physical damage on the drive's surface), Active@ KillDisk tries to perform the
 operation again. You can specify number of retries to be performed.
 Sometimes a damaged sector can be overwritten if the drive is not completely
 damaged, after several retries.
Ignore Errors              If this option is turned on, error messages will not be displayed while data
 erasing or verification is in progress.
 While displaying error messages have been ignored, all information about
 these errors are written to the KILLDISK.LOG file. They are displayed after the
 process is complete in the final Erasing Report.
Clear Log File             If this option is turned on, KILLDISK.LOG log file truncates before erasing
before Start               starts. After erasing is completed, the log file contains information only about
 the last session.
 If this option is turned off, KILLDISK.LOG log file will not be truncated and
 information about the last erasing session appends to the end of the file.
Skip Confirmation          The confirmation step happens when the user types ERASE-ALL-DATA as the
 final step before the erasing process starts. If Skip Confirmation is turned on,
 the request for confirmation is skipped. This option is typically to be used by
 advanced users in order to speed up the process.
 Turning off this option (default state) is safer because you have one last chance
 to ensure that data from the correct drive location is going to be erased
 completely with no possibility of future data recovery.